Grow Your Team 

Your business has it's own unique purpose, vision, goals AND challenges; that's why we customize the approach to meet the needs of your business. 

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 If you are struggling to implement change within your organization it’s not because there’s not a need - you’re probably struggling because you don’t have the time or infrastructure or just the resources to do it. And the good news is that you don’t need to do it yourself. My team specializes in culture transformation and we are the opitomy of change agents.

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Let's Begin


Our proven process will help you fuel a leadership culture by aligning your organization around three essential elements:

  • Shared Principles - Our values-based approach to leadership growth transcends roles and titles and creates a simple framework that every leader in your organization can be inspired by, regardless of their career stage.
  • Shared Language - Your team will emerge from your Maxwell Leadership engagement with a new vocabulary – a common language of leadership – that will remain with you long after we’re gone. 
  • Shared Behaviors - Based on shared principles and a common language, your whole team will be primed to behave in specific new ways that help each one become leaders worth following.​

Yes, It Really Is That Simple!

We said simple, not easy. Building highly collaborative non-leader dependent teams is not an event - it's a process. We follow proven time-tested processes that help you optimize and accelerate your business for quick wins and long-term transformation. 

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Enjoy workshop customization specific to your team or organization. You’ll receive pre-workshop conference calls to ensure the workshop conforms to your needs. After the workshop, we will follow up with you to measure its effectiveness. Your goals and needs are our number one priority. Finally, you’ll receive an executive summary of the workshop that’s based on attendee feedback.

The following is a sampling of our team growth workshops.
To learn about these and additional offerings connect with us by submitting your interest. 
Law of The Levers Workshop

Change in business is inevitable. Choosing to “pull the lever of change” and understanding the organization-wide affects of that change can help you navigate your business to success. Learn how to make meaningful change in your organization without causing chaos and confusion....

DISC - Communication & Collaboration

We are each wired with a very unique style of communicating and collaborating with others. Once team members learn about their communication style and how to recognize and work with the styles of others, they increase their ability to deliver great results... 

6 Types of Working Genius

Working Genius is the fastest way to help people identify the type of work that brings them joy and energy, and avoid work that leads to frustration and burnout. Learn a remarkably simple and practical framework that increases productivity and reduces unnecessary judgment... 

Coaching For High Performance

Learning how to coach for high performance will raise a leader’s effectiveness. Leaders and Organizations will experience a shift in ability to influence and empower those they lead to achieve greater results, solve problems, and improve employee engagement...

DISC - Increase Your Sales Impact

Increasing sales requires a focus on each prospects’ individual buying style and understanding your own unique selling style. Learn how to maximize your strengths and neutralize your challenges in selling....

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Understanding EQ could change your life - especially if you want to grow and be a person of influence. EQ is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you...

9 Steps to Improve Employee Performance

This comprehensive workshop is filled with practical exercises and real-life examples. Participants will learn nine actionable steps to boost productivity, engagement, and overall effectiveness in the workplace...

Principles of Influence & Persuasion

Understanding and harnessing the power of persuasion can be a game changer in anyone's professional journey. Learn the practical tools and strategies to navigate the world of influence effectively and ethically...

Connect About Workshops Here

Not ready to schedule a call?

No worries. Get Our 6-Step Team Investment Strategy For Long-Term Profitability

In The Compounding Power of Teamwork Guide, you'll discover how investing in the development of your team can yield exponential returns. 

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I'm Danny Pippin

My goal is to create a fun and empowering learning experience by combining my distinctive style, corporate background experience, and proven time-tested principles from working alongside John Maxwell, Paul Martinelli, Patrick Lencioni, Dr. Robert Caildini, and many more.

My business philosophy is simple: "In order to drive both individual and collective success we must prioritize personal growth, disciplined action, and collaborative wisdom. Everything hinges on fostering integrity, continuous learning, and purposeful leadership."

"Danny comes alongside others to identify, envision, inspire & guide needed change that creates & nourishes a lasting difference"

- John C. Maxwell

"Danny's a pro at what he does and is easy to work with. His knowledge gave me confidence. I am grateful for his humor, his patience, and his expertise, and would gladly recommend him as a coach!"

- Zulfat Suara

"There is no better investment you can make in yourself or your organization than engaging with Danny as a coach and trainer"

- Paul Martinelli
Coaching can help you and your organization

Unlock Untapped Sources of Imagination, Productivity, and Leadership

Coaching is partnering in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires and empowers you with the answers you need to navigate challenges, maximize opportunities, and grow into an even better version of yourself - personally and professionally. 

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Are Ready To Take Control of Your and Your Company's Future?

Coaching is about helping you move from where you are now to where you want to be. 

  • Increase self-esteem / self-confidence
  • Increase revenue
  • Become a more effective leader
  • Recruit and retain top talent
  • Gain clarity in purpose
  • Become a better communicator

With a simple shift in your mindset and some proven practices, you could start creating the life and business you want.

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