According to the the Harvard Business Review "The #1 criteria for advancement and promotion for professionals is the ability to communicate effectively."

Today's growth-oriented companies and business professionals know that success comes through powerful collaboration, and that always begins with communication.


1. Register for the Workshop

2. Implement New  Strategies

3. Improve Your Communication Skills

Find Common Ground and Establish a Connection with People

Effective communication requires that we use the method that works best for those we are speaking to, not just the method that works for ourselves. The Communication Impact Report & Workshop will walk you through the four common styles of communication, so that you can:

  • Gain valuable insight into COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES to help you communicate with confidence and authenticity.
  • Learn how to determine the most appropriate COMMUNICATION APPROACH for each individual style. 
  • Discover key CHARACTERISTICS about each style and how to LEVERAGE YOUR STRENGTHS for better communication.
  • Identify EFFECTIVE METHODS for bridging communication gaps among your group or team.

Plus, learn how to improve your team's productivity and performance by understanding the unique styles of communication.


Communication Impact Report & Workshop


We are each wired with a very unique style of communicating and collaborating with others. THE COMMUNICATION IMPACT REPORT will help you discover your style of communication and ways to maximize it. In the corresponding workshop, we will dig deeper into the results of your report and discuss ways to leverage your communication style to improve your ability to connect with and add value to others.


  • RELATE TO OTHERS in a way that speaks to their communication style. 

  • Implement EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES to minimize conflicts, improve morale and build cohesion. 

  • Create a ROAD MAP EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION for each of your team members or colleagues.


I'm Danny Pippin

A Behavioral Analysis Consultant & Business Growth Strategist helping entrepreneurs and business leaders grow themselves, their team, and their business through consulting, coaching, and workshops.

My goal is to create a fun and empowering learning experience by combining my distinctive style, corporate background experience, and proven time-tested principles from working alongside John Maxwell, Paul Martinelli, Jordan Belfort, Patrick Lencioni, Dr. Robert Caildini, and many more. 

My business philosophy is simple: "Business isn’t about closing a sale, it’s about building relationships with your internal and external customers. When we align our focus to these interactions, the results follow."


Each of us is wired with a very unique style of communication and collaborating with others.

When we take our best and use it to serve people and projects, we can enjoy a higher degree of performance and a lesser degree of difficulty in our interactions with others. 

1. Register for the Communication Impact Workshop

2. Get Your Communication Impact Report

3. Improve Your Communication in Every Situation


This Workshop Is For You If...

  • You want understand your communication style
  • You want to be able to connect with different personality types
  • You want to learn several keys to working with a difficult person
  • You want to identify your strengths in influencing people and outcomes (results)
  • You want to increase your communication effectiveness - whether one on one, in small groups, or in front of an audience

Communication Impact Report & Workshop

Pay In Full




  • Receive your personalized Communication Impact Report
  • The report takes 10-15 minutes to complete online
  • 2.5 hour virtual workshop