What Is Emotional Intelligence & Why Should You Care?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the idea that your own emotions (and the emotions of others) influence your behavior.

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Did you know that 90% of top-performing employees have high emotional intelligence and 71% of company leaders value EQ over IQ.  


In our DISC & Emotional Intelligence Transformative Workshop we will take a deep dive into your ability to perceive and understand your emotions, as well as the emotions of those around you. 





Can You Improve Your EQ?

Low EQ vs. High EQ

Let's take a look at a few compelling Emotional Intelligence statistics:

  • 95% of people think they are self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are. (Harvard Business Review)
  • 99% of working American adults report working with at least one person who isn't self-aware. (Harvard Business Review)
  • EQ is four times more effective than IQ in determining who will be successful in their field. (LinkedIn)
  • Leaders with empathy perform over 40% higher in employee engagement, decision-making, and coaching. (Harvard Business School)
  • Workers who have managers with high EQ scores are four times less likely to quit than those with managers who have low EQ. (LinkedIn)
  • Employees with high EQ scores earn an additional $29,00 on average per year than those with lower EQ.  (Workforce.com)
  • High EQ employees are favored over high I! employees for a promotion 75% of the time (CareerBuilder)
  • 40% of HR managers reported it's more difficult for them to teach employees soft skills than technical skills. (PR Newswire)

Yes, You Can Increase Your EQ!

In this workshop, we will explore the 4 key areas or quotients: self-recognition, self-management, social recognition, and social management. And how they impact every aspect of your life.



DISC is the universal language of behavior and a powerful assessment tool. Understanding behavioral styles helps you:

  • become a better communicator
  • minimize or prevent conflicts
  • appreciate the differences in others and positively influence those around you

When combined with EQ, DISC becomes supercharged! It allows you to dive deeper and take into account values, intentions, and overall emotional intelligence which are critical components of behavior and communication styles.


The EQ Project

(A DISC & Emotional Intelligence Transformative Workshop)

Why EQ Makes All The Difference!

The level of someone’s emotional intelligence has been proven to be far more important in their achievement and success than any high level of IQ. But sadly, schools focus almost entirely on IQ, and most people don’t know how to intentional develop their EQ (and as a result, they engage in disagreements, poor communication, ineffective leadership, and many more personnel issues that stunt their growth and minimize their opportunities).

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  • EQ is 400% more powerful than IQ when predicting a person's level of success and achievement
  • Emotionally intelligent leaders possess qualities that drive their teams to exceed expectations on a consistent basis
  • The average adult can only identify 3-4 basic emotions when describe how they're feeling (this equates to a very low level of EQ).
  • With low EQ, you are far more prone to make emotional decisions that will take you off course from your goals, intentions, and values.
  • All industry leaders are realizing the fundamental role that EQ plays in their company's overall performance and are seeking SOLUTIONS for the EQ deficiency.

This critical personal and professional development workshop was created to level up your emotional intelligence and awareness so we can all live in a happier more harmonious and overall, more productive world.

What's Included In The Workshop...

DISC + Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Complete your own personal assessment, participate in a group debrief and attend a deep-dive 3-hour workshop to comprehensively understand the process of improving your emotional intelligence.

  • Receive your own personal comprehensive DISC and Emotional Intelligence Assessment
  • Be invited to the group debrief call to review your assessment results
  • Access to the 3-hour deep dive workshop to gain a comprehensive understanding of EQ and how to apply it practically in your life

You’ll finish this course with a deeper understanding of human behavior and emotional intelligence that will help you reach new levels of awareness, thrive in your relationships, and build better camaraderie in the workplace.

This Workshop Is For You If...

  • You want to see yourself more clearly
  • You want to understand  what triggers you
  • You want to control and harness feelings to achieve goals
  • You want to interact with others more effectively

I'm Danny Pippin

A Behavioral Analysis Consultant & Business Growth Strategist helping entrepreneurs and business leaders grow themselves, their team, and their business through consulting, coaching, and workshops.

My goal is to create a fun and empowering learning experience by combining my distinctive style, corporate background experience, and proven time-tested principles from working alongside John Maxwell, Paul Martinelli, Jordan Belfort, Patrick Lencioni, Dr. Robert Caildini, and many more.

My business philosophy is simple: "Business isn’t about closing a sale, it’s about building relationships with your internal and external customers. When we align our focus to these interactions, the results follow."


"Danny comes alongside others to identify, envision, inspire & guide needed change that creates & nourishes a lasting difference"

- John C. Maxwell

"Danny's a pro at what he does and is easy to work with. His knowledge gave me confidence. I am grateful for his humor, his patience, and his expertise, and would gladly recommend him as a coach!"

- Zulfat Suara

"There is no better investment you can make in yourself or your organization than engaging with Danny as a coach and trainer"

- Paul Martinelli

The EQ Project

(A DISC & Emotional Intelligence Workshop)

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  • Understand what emotions are and where they come from 
  • Recognize and understand your emotions and the emotions of others
  • Identify cause and effect of emotions
  • Cultivate positive and nurturing interpersonal relationships
  • Resolve Conflict and navigate difficult interactions with ease
  • Connect to others by practicing empathy and compassion
  • Unleash the power of calm confidence