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I'm Danny Pippin

In 2001, I sat in a packed arena and heard Zig Ziglar say “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” and it felt as though he was speaking directly to me. Since that day, I’ve dedicated myself to personal growth and professional developments because as my friend and mentor, John Maxwell says “You cannot give what you do not have.”

I spent 18 years leading over 70 highly profitable multimillion-dollar businesses and building leadership and sales teams across the country during my Telecom & Corporate Retail career working with brands like Buckle, PacSun, Lucky Brand, and Billy Reid. In addition, I've served as Head of Stores & Ecom for a Fashion Retailer, Creative Director for an Apparel Brand, and Chief Operating Officer for a Branding Agency and a Fashion Technology Company.

From that experience, I've developed a 4-Part Framework to help entrepreneurs, business leaders, and organizations optimize people, operations, and sales strategies for better results through consulting, coaching, and workshops. 

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Growth insights you can apply in your life and business each week!

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Finding my way...

As a child, I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. So, by the time I was 23 years old I had worked over 21 different jobs trying to figure it out. Then, a friend asked me to help him during a tax-free weekend in a retail store he was managing. Finally, my skills, talents, and interests seemed to align for the first time. Things began moving fast, as I was promoted and moved 8 times in 9 years. Whew!

Over the years, the retail industry gave me a place to learn, grow, and serve others. And I loved my job! Well, except for doing expenses.

Throughout my career, working with The Buckle, Pac Sun, Lucky Brand and Billy Reid, I focused on 2 things:

  1. Create the most enjoyable shopping experience possible for the guest.
  2. Help as many people get promoted as possible. 

Who you learn from matters...

Valentine's Day 2014, I joined Maxwell Leadership to become a Certified Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Coach. This gave me the opportunity to be trained and mentored by New York Times Best-Selling Author and #1 Leadership Expert in the world Dr. John C. Maxwell and his world-class faculty. 

Now, I was equipped with the tools, resources, and world-class content to further grow myself and train and develop my retail teams to a higher level. I created developmental programs, workshops, and mastermind groups to train leaders throughout the entire organization in the areas of communication, DISC Behavioral Analysis, leadership, and sales.


Maybe I can help more people...

Two years later, I was on two to six flights per week, traveling most weeks of the year, visiting retail locations from Oklahoma to Delaware and everywhere in between. I loved my job, my teams, and the company I worked for...

Then, one email changed everything. I received a request from a local business to help facilitate a company retreat. Up until now, I had only been coaching and training within the company I worked for so I, nervously, said "YES!"

Thankfully, my Maxwell Leadership mentors walked me through what to do step by step. The business retreat was a huge success! This was the first time I realized the compounding effect of my knowledge, experience, expertise, and how I could add value to businesses outside the retail industry. This was the first time I saw myself as something other than "just a retail guy." 

Career to calling...

Now, I don't know about you, but if you've ever had a calling you know that it doesn't just go away. So, In 2016, I founded my own consulting and coaching business to support entrepreneurs, business leaders, and organizations.

And as they say, "When the student is ready the teacher appears." That's when began to be mentored by accomplished entrepreneur, Paul Martinelli, who's built 8 multi-million dollar businesses. 

After seeing the result an impact Paul's teaching had on my life and business, I knew I had to share what I had learned with others. So, I became a teach partner with Paul's company Living Empowered where I teach in the areas of mindset & personal growth, emotional intelligence, goal setting and goal achievement, business building and sales. 

Behavioral Analysis & Design...

In 2019, Paul introduced me to the "Godfather of influence," Social Psychologist, Dr. Robert Cialdini. Little did I know that just a few short years later I would become a founding member and certified professional speaker, trainer, and coach with the Cialdini Institute.

Utilizing Dr. Cialdini's groundbreaking research and principles of influence and persuasion I provide comprehensive training and coaching programs in various contexts, from sales and marketing to customer service and leadership.

Just as with retail before, I finally felt my skills, talents, and interests seemed to align for the first time with behavioral science, analysis, and design.

Which has led to today, where I'm a Business Coach & Growth Strategist specializing in behavioral analysis and design to help entrepreneurs, business leaders, and organizations optimize people, operations, and sales strategies for better results. I love what I do!


How Does My 4-Part Framework Help Grow Your Business?

Using my proven 4-Part Framework will help you optimize and accelerate your business for quick wins and long-term transformation. Together, we create a customized and strategic growth plan to grow yourself, your team, and business.

Let's get started.

Business Analysis & Growth Strategy

Get a business analysis snapshot and create a strategic growth plan for better results.


1 on 1 Business Leadership Coaching

Engage in a process that leads to awareness, clear decision making, accountability, greater influence and impact. 

Quarterly Skill Building Workshops

Equip your team with proven time-tested principles and practices to enhance their performance and productivity.

Group Coaching & Ongoing Development

Create a shared learning environment to improve communication, critical thinking and accountability.

What About You...

What's Your Dream? 


I've heard it said that a dream is "the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls them to pursue a unique path to the realization of their purpose."  A dream is an "inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it."


What's your dream? Have you ever thought about what does your dream requires of you? 

Download this free audio lesson and discover the 10 things your dream needs AND the 10 things your dream will give you in return.




A little more about me... 

I'm the proud father of 6 furry children…3 dogs and 3 cats. My wife, Lindsey Pippin, is a super cool international celebrity Hair Stylist & Make-Up Artist; we live in Nashville, Tn.

  • I prefer chocolate milk over coffee. 
  • Obsessed with all things Denim & Americana.
  • Love to study mindset, human behavior and marketing.
  • I have an odd super power that relates to movies...ask me about it sometime. 
  • One of my favorite quotes is "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate" - Carl Jung


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Growth insights you can apply in your life and business each week!

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